Feedback: Friends and Family
Feedback on Abu Omar’s Street Inauguration
These are very spontaneous responses from friends and family. Unfortunately for convenience even many Arabs write their e- mails in English.
• Rima Bordcosh- Palestine- USA
Jehan, It is s thrill to read the news of inaugurating the street of Abu Omar. Ramallah with her street names must be more beautiful. Oh,,, Oh!!!!!! We are looking hopeful for the naming of streets of all Palestine. Congratulations
• Najla Nusseir Bashour-Palestine- Lebanon
Mabrouk for Ramallah this new street, and for its people its faithfulness for those who sacrifice for their country and cause, especially when they are such great, talented persons like our dear Abu Omar, who reversed the concept of "role of the intellectual” in our society, and actually practiced what he believed in. It is too bad that we lost him but he gave all a flash of light to be followed.
I greet you dear Jehan for your sincerity, it is certainly a model for all.
• Mariam Said- Lebanon/Palestine- USA
Alf Mabrouk this is wonderful news I hope it is in a prominent part of Ramallah after all he was ibn Ramallah.
• Fatima sharafeddine-Lebanon/Belgium
Thank you for sharing this info. It is good to know that the municipality recognizes such heroes, even though they remember to do that very late...
• Hoda Hawa- Palestine-Greece
Good news, I am very happy. Hope more acknowledgement will come out in the future.
• Siham Atalla-Ramallah
Many thanks, Jehan. I will forward it to family and friends. It’s been thirty three years since his disappearance. How time passes and how disappointed Abu Omar would have been were he to see the tragic way matters have developed on the ground. He was too good for this miserable world.
Very well written article and informative for the younger generation who may not have heard of Abu Omar.
• Professor Elaine Hagopian Syria- USA
I am so pleased that Hanna has been fully recognized by this inauguration. I loved the photos, and you look wonderful. It is so important for the young to know who the real heroes were the principled men and women of Palestine. Thank you for sharing these with me.
• Rima Tarazi- Ramallah
It is gratifying to be appreciated and recognized, although, if we are to get somewhere, recognition and appreciation must come as a byproduct and not an aim to strive towards. May the souls of those who have sacrificed so much without seeking self glorification, rest in peace and may they continue to inspire our young generations with their devotion and integrity.
Very beautiful and touching article! It is sad when beauty compensates for our deep loss and sorrow
• Zahira Kamal-Jerusalem
Great, it might compensate the suffer you have since long time, so Abu Omar is alive in our hearts and mind, and brings memories with any one passes the street and look at his name.
• Alia Alrosan- Nablus
It is good news, good because it means that we still have conscience to appreciate our greatest that deserve more from our memory, present and our future.
• May Asfahani- Lebanon- United Kingdom
It is so sad that after all these years and all these sacrifices we can’t help but feel that we are going backwards and further away from achieving what people like Hanna died for.
• Safa’ Abu Assab-Jerusalem
Congratulations for you and Mr. Hanna Michael’s family. This is an act from Ramallah Municipality that makes us really very proud.
• Alia Siksek- Ramallah
This is the least that can be done... Please tell me which street
• Umayma Nasser- Lebanon-Palestine
Thanks anyway for sharing those very valuable words...I knew from Amal about the inauguration...I read the email several times, especially that part on Abu Omar’s background ...still very little is written about him. We are looking so much forward to your project on reviving his memory and image, to the electronic website and the association. If there is anything we can help in let us know. God bless...
• Hadeel Karkar- Ramallah
I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how you could live with all this pain. He is our great loss. I admire you tremendously not only for surviving such tragic destiny but also for continuing your patriotic and noble work despite that most things work against you...
I truly admire your strength and persistence and I believe that your story as a patriot and activist in all domains deserves all appreciation and respect. Can’t wait to read your autobiography!
• Samia Nakhoul- Palestine- UK
Hi Jehan and ‘mabruk’, finally they did something symbolic to show a bit of recognition to you and the man who sacrificed his life for them. They should set up a foundation in his name, this is the least they can do.
• Sana alKhayyat-Iraq/UK
This is wonderful news, it took too long but I am so glad that it is happening at last. Your words were so powerful. I congratulate you and all the family.
• ِAbdelhanid Abdeljaber Palestine- USA
It is very nice to recognize such a Palestinian icon, the size of Abu Omar...Let the new generation recognize those names as I suggestلالالاed in the attached article*.
*(في ذكرى النكبة: رسالة إلى عمرو موسى )
From International Friends
• Anne Carter- Canada (writer)
I know it is a small sign compared to the huge loss of his life,
and being without him these many years, but it is a meaningful tribute to his life dedicated to Palestinians.
Next time I’m in Ramallah I will look for the street named after him.
• Patsy Aldana -Canada (IBBY & Publisher)
That is great Jehan. I am very glad for him and for you.
• Kathy Bergen- Canada-Palestine (AFSC)
Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for sharing this with me. It means a lot!!!
I have utmost respect for the work he did and what he stood for. Just as I have utmost respect for the work you do and the principles that guide you. He came from a wonderful family that is also very much respected and principled in their stance and in their work and relationships. You are in good company!!!
Best wishes as you continue to make his work and ideas known.
• Noushine Ansari – Iran (IBBY)
Many thanks for sharing this remembrance news with us. I have been very often thinking of you, and all the problems you are facing.
God bless those gone from our side and us all.
• Biancamaria scarcia Amoretti- Italy
I am very happy Jehan: He deserves much more, but it is a good sign!
• Nora Ingdal – Norway (Expert on ME)
Thank you so much for sharing this...
It was beautiful to read about what you said about your husband - 34 years; I cannot even begin to imagine how this has been for you. But when I read what you write - and listen to your wisdom, I feel that you are upholding the values in practice - and I can see maybe a small part of what your husband was like... I would have loved to learn more, so please do let me know if there are any other books that talk about this early phase of Palestinian resistance...
Also, do you mind if I share the photos and the text on my face book profile?
If you don’t like it, of course no problem, it has just become such a good way of spreading Palestine information and activism.
• Birgitta Fransson – Sweden (IBBY)
Thanks for showing me this event. I didn´t know all this about your husband. You must be proud and I am impressed!
• Ulla Lundberg - Sweden (IBBY)
First of all, I´m so glad that you informed me about the name of the street, and about your husband. You must have been very proud and honored. What a man! He disappeared so young. How did you meet, did you join him under the years in America? Would you like to tell me, just a little, about the life you had together? My husband followed your mail and was impressed.
I´m thinking of you, and of all the people around you.
• Beverley Naidoo - UK/South Africa (Writer)
These are moving pictures of a moving ceremony about not forgetting. Thanks so much for sending these. Do you have any series for children which are the equivalent of our South African ‘They Fought for Freedom’ series? Sadly many of the books are now out of print. The stories all started with childhood and youth, narrating formative experiences, before narrating in a fairly simple way the individual’s contribution in adult life. There have been a couple of series like this in SA and children usually read them in school. I think they’re important.
• Elsa Marston- USA-Lebanon (Writer)
Thank you so much, Jehan, for sending this news and the photos. I’m very glad to know about this honor for your husband . . . I wish I could have known him. I hope the event and all the celebration that surrounded it gave you much happiness and a sense of fulfillment.
• Gayle Khaled- USA/Palestine (Independent Writing and Editing(
This is Wonderful! What an honor!
Really really lovely!
And I am sure your husband is just as proud of you!
Now his name will remain on everyone’s lips, as street names are increasingly used, as well as on all the hearts of those he inspired! You are also a great role model yourself Yichtee!
• Joyce Mikhail Hanna-USA
WE ARE ALL SO PROUD OF DEAR HANNA.....and oh how we miss him!!
• Janan Mikhail Bateh- USA
Jehan, thank you for the pictures. I am glad they finally put Hanna’s street sign up. I wish we were there for the celebration.
• May Mikhail Khoury- Amman
I wish I were there with you to celebrate this event. We are so proud of you habibti as well as you continue to revive the name & memory of our beloved Hanna
• Salwa Hilu Abdo-London
Jehan, as proud as I felt when I read the news about honoring Abu Omar, I felt sad too. Sad because those in charge are so far away of his vision and his values that had he been still living he would have felt despair and shame!
Never would he have thought that we could be where we actually are now!
It seems sometimes that Hanna was an aberration! Was he? He couldn’t have been because the very fact that he was what he was means that he embodied the best that is in our nation but why has this best become latent and seems so rare?
Shall we look for some positive signs and say at least they are creating a memorial for him? This is the least they could do. And I hope this will spur more of us to try to know what this man was and what he did and what he represented and say here where we want to be!
We are so proud of Hanna and proud of you, Jehan, for all that you do and for keeping Hanna’s memory alive and trying to explain what he was and what he stood for! If only more Abu Omars come forward!
• Viola Helou- Amman
To the wife of a great man who was gone before achieving his visions that we hope his followers will still be working by them.
Jehan mabrouk his recognition in Ramallah and hope the new generation will know more about him. Salwa our great sister who is so talented in evaluating and expressing her views so brilliantly doesn’t leave anything for us to say more. However, I have a small comment to say, had Abu Omar was still living I am sure we wouldn’t have reached where we are now!!
Congratulations and we are all very proud of you for all what you are doing...
My love to both of you, we are very proud to have in our family two great “munadileen” and believe your efforts will not go in vain.
• Amal karam Helou- Beirut
Mabrouk Jehan. Wallahi it is so nice that he is now remembered and honored in his hometown. It is lovely and so was your word for the occasion.
• Haifa Helou Ruhayyem
Congratulations and hope the day comes when Hanna is honored on ALL the Land of Palestine not just in his hometown. It is a very sifnigicant event and though I totally agree with what our dear Salwa said, however, as sad as we feel for the miserable situation we are in I am sure that the true sacrifices of Hanna and the many unknown Palestinian heroes will not go in vain. Of course it is very important for the Palestinian people wherever they are and especially the young generations to know about Hanna the Promise he carried, that is what Jehan is doing.
• Hala Helou-Amman
Mabrouk to Ramallah and Palestine this honor.
Jehan, I really like what you said.
• Raghida Helou- Amman
Mabrouk Jehan What an honor...
• Zeina Karam- Beirut
Mabrouk, it is such a shame Hanna wasn’t around for longer for us to know him, but it’s always wonderful to hear and read about him.
• Julia Helou- Palestine - UK
Congratulations, well deserved and long overdue.
Articles by this author
en In Honor of Hanna A Street in His Honor ?
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