On Reaching Forty
Two score years today I reached;
Time to be pensive and to dream.
Being far from my beloved,
Thought of jotting down some thoughts –
Though unpolished and still rugged –
An expression of esteem.
Looking back,
I discover,
Many a spring,
And a summer,
Have I lost
Off the track.
Marching on a path not mine,
Moved by spirit sublime
Yet by thoughts unscientific
Served in essence bourgeois schemes
Offering masses mere dreams.
While still groping for the path
To fulfill my aspirations
Met a partner on the road
That did give me inspiration
My greatest wish
We not desist
What counts is will
To still persist
The start is late,
The path is long
Should move full speed
Steps firm and strong.
Of victory I am confident
That I can pour some cement
In the masses edifice
Is the source of hope and bliss.
This is the meaning
Of my life
My joy great
And ultimate
Is to share it
With my wife
Hanoi, October 24th, 1975
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