Saigon Cu Chi Hochi Minh
From Saigon the filth is gone
Yank and puppet have been thrown
In one lump in history’s dump
Masses are the winning trump
On the day of liberation
Hearts were filled with jubilation
A new era’s ushered in
Saigon now is Ho Chi Minh.
In Cu Chi plain yanks changed terrain
To bolster power in the wane
Burned the fuest to blush out
Red guerillas and to route,
But the party’s resolution
Was not slow in its solution
A mass line of great coherence
Did dictate the close adherence
Of the masses to the land
And the cadres underground
Escalated the resistance
With daunted persistence
The response, annihilation,
Foiled imperial machination
All pushed on to Saigon
Final victory soon was won
Hanoi, November 1975
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