
About Us

Who are we? What are our aims?

We are friends and admirers of Abu Omar; we aim to honor the memory of a distinguished intellectual and revolutionary, and to highlight the noble values he embodied. We believe that this rich heritage of our struggle should become a vital part of our collective memory, essential to promote our liberation struggle.

It is unfortunate that this site has been late in being set up. The complexities of the disappearance of Abu Omar and his comrades, the weakening of the modern Palestinian National Movement, the change of the political milieu and the dissipation and loss of many of the comrades and friends made it difficult to begin, but we did! Consequently, it was inevitable that in the start is limited to testimonies of few number of friends, comrades and family members, however, we hope that this will be the beginning. We are confident that everyone who knew Abu Omar well, will interact and respond by writing some of his/her distinctive memories of our intellectual revolutionary. We hope that in the future this initiative will be promoted to lead to wider efforts to honor many of the intellectuals who enriched our revolutionary march through their sacrifices on the road of liberation, progress and peace for Palestine!

N.B. The Arabic and English versions are not the same except for some of the material.

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